SmartStep Data Institute is your independent partner for healthcare research and secondary data processing in the healthcare sector. We offer you a structured data analysis and information retrieval process — from data preparation and statistical analysis up to the publication and implementation of healthcare solutions. This includes the preparation of scientific papers, expert opinions and expertise on questions concerning the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services.
SmartStep Data Institute is your reliable partner for the preparation and validation of your data and methods up to the design of complex data queries. Furthermore, we access new and additional data sources and thus increase the informative value of your data.
Whether your request concerns the creation of an appropriate statistical model or performing meta-analyses and indirect comparisons within IQWiG methods: SmartStep Data Institute will answer all your analytical and statistical questions.
SmartStep Data Institute is your expert partner for extensive study planning, statistical evaluations and the preparation of publications. This includes the preparation of applications, e.g. under the German Innovation Fund, or for public tenders and research funding.